International Clubs: Lions

Name of Organization: Lions International

Date of Origin:
June 7,1917 AD

Motto: We Serve

Founder: Melvin Jones

Origin: Melvin Jones suggested in a business convention to put the talents of some businessmen and friends to improve their communities. The suggestion by Melvin was answered back by some interested individuals and funding from his own money and theirs. Lions as a symbol, as the founders put it, represents strength, courage, fidelity and vital action. After few meetings between the founders, that symbol was chosen by a secret ballot.

Eye-sight, Disabled, Healthcare, Building Schools, Natural Disaster Relief, Reconstruction. Lions had a role in drafting the constitution of the UN, and still have members observing some of its meetings till today. They focus on doing service projects in their communities that are mainly health related and with some emphasis on social issues on religious or national occasions.

Lions Clubs, Leos Clubs, Lions Leadership Program.

Secret Societies & International Clubs – 1 of ??

In an attempt to shed light on the not-so-well-known side of civil society in the world and to give a different perspective of who are the “players” on the field in our community I will be writing a series of small posts about the various secret societies and international clubs in the world.

The information that will be presented is a compilation of interviews, readings from books/articles about the mentioned times and personal research online. It is important to specify that many of the details and issues have been excluded to simplify the concepts and to make it clearer to understand the picture without having to dwell into intensive explanations nor expecting any prior knowledge of history and details of such times.

All that will be presented is to be thought of critically and further researched if interested in understanding it in more details, and I’m more than ready to discuss any issue in more details and to give further explanations.

I hope you find the information presented interesting, eye-opening, and useful yet I hope no one becomes paranoid about the world and what is going on in life. The more we know the more powerful we are, the clearer we can plan and the better we can understand the world around us…and its always important to weigh all the odds before coming up with decisions, or stating opinions or stances towards any person, idea or organization.

In terms of secret societies, I prefer to start with the historical societies up until today so that my beloved readers get to understand more the context of how and why this society started and whether it is still there… (yes that ironically conflicts with it being “secret” ..don’t worry this too will be explained in the posts)

As for the international clubs, I will give just 4 or 5 examples of the most prominent ones…the rest I can give more details on if requested.

At this point I want your opinion …shall I start the posts with the secret socities or the international clubs? Which would you like to read about first?…one society/club at a time 🙂


Defining Secret Society
An organization that conceals all or part of its internal activities, ceremonies, beliefs, membership.
An organization which membership is exclusive, claims to have hidden truth that are gained gradually.

Defining International Club
An organization that has membership and operates in more than one country. Its activities, membership and beliefs are open to the public. The name “club” is from the structure of the organization and the type of projects/activities it does.