Appreciating the Value of Friends and Loved Ones…

Throughout yesterday and the past few days I realized how essential it is to have a small group of close people you call family, friends and loved ones.

On days when you feel you’re on top of the world and others when you’re hitting rock bottom…without those handful of people who give you their care, attention, and love…it wont really be worth. Even though the numerous people you call friends, coworkers, colleagues …support you and stay posted with you…sometimes this is not enough.

During my birthday yesterday I realized how attached I am to those handful, how grateful I am to have them and how sad I feel when we don’t stay in touch as often as we wish…

I truly appreciate all my friends, coworkers, colleagues, loved ones and all those I meet day in and day out…without those life wont be the same. It’s true what they say that humans are social creatures, and as the old Arabic proverb says “A heaven with no people is not worth being in” … and in this context it doesn’t mean no people at all, but rather no people to spend your time with, care about and that care about you in return.

On a final note, as the days go by I am getting to appreciate all the good people I know, all the support I’m getting and all the support I’m being able to give….

With much love and appreciation.

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15 thoughts on “Appreciating the Value of Friends and Loved Ones…

  1. its bc of ppl u share love with life is so worthy.

    Glad i had the chance to meet you dear, and hope your bonds with your beloved will always be as strong.

    Happy B-Day 🙂

  2. What a gratitude filled post!I think a lot of us undermine the amazing support system family & friends can be when going through difficult patches & its good to be thankful & appreciative of these ‘angels’ among a dark world.Hope you continue to cherish, nurture & love your close knit group & may they always be by your side.

  3. This is a beautiful post – actually these same thoughts crossed my mind today and it is really important to always be grateful for the presence of loved ones.
    By the way, I don’t know why you have a part called Worth Reading – the whole blog is worth reading!

  4. This is actually well said … perfectly expressed concise and not too emotional. Keep in mind we shall always be by your side and our soul after life no matter what!!

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